Xperience, Inc.

Our OpenSource Projects - Xperience, Inc.

Hosted on my .mac account now:

Payroll - Perl modules
DansGuardian Anti-Virus Plugin
SquidGuard Database Administration App

Demos of apps

You can find a vmware appliance which contains some demo apps on the xiwa downloads page at sourceforge.

Our Debian Apt Repositories:

Our Debian apt repositories (stable and unstable) for the PCXPortal, it's related packages and other Xperience, Inc. packages (Perl 5.8.0/5.8.2) are here. The sources.list entry to use is:

deb http://web.mac.com/pattieja1/pcx.org-content/apt/debian stable/
deb-src http://web.mac.com/pattieja1/pcx.org-content/apt/debian stable/

deb http://web.mac.com/pattieja1/pcx.org-content/apt/debian unstable/
deb-src http://web.mac.com/pattieja1/pcx.org-content/apt/debian unstable/

PS The style/layout of the repositories changed 2004-01-21 to the flat layout mini-dinstall supports which means you only need 1 entry to get all the binaries from. :)

Use the stable repository to get packages we have officially released.  Use the unstable repository to get packages that are currently in development (beta versions of the Portal, XIWA, etc.).  You will need to have both stable and unstable available for now if you want to install XIWA or the Portal.

Hint: If you have multiple machines using an apt repository (.deb or .rpm) then you should look at apt-cacher.

James A. Pattie's ivtv related software.

Hosted on SourceForge:

XIWA accounting

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