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make-dynamic-dvd usage
make-dynamic-dvd -i DIR1 [-n -c #CHAPS -o CHAPS -t TITLE1_NAME] -d DIR2 [-C #CHAPS -O CHAPS -T TITLE2_NAME] [-f MENU-FILES] [-F] [-g] [-h] [-v] [-r] [-k]
Version 1.3
CHAPS defaults to 0,10:00,20:00,30:00,40:00,50:00
#CHAPS defaults to 6 (0, 6, 12)
TITLE1_NAME defaults to 'Title 1'
TITLE2_NAME defaults to 'Title 2'
-n allows you to specify you don't want a menu created for Title1. This is only valid if specifying 1 Title.