
James A. Pattie's - ivtv related projects

All software listed here is released under the GPL unless otherwise specified.

testing files

Against the ivtv-0.2.0rc1g and later drivers.

Feedback requested if you try these updated scripts and Video::ivtv perl module files.

You must have the ck driver version installed, otherwise things will not work!


This script allows you to record mpeg and yuv content from a supported ivtv capture card. Run record-v4l2.pl -h to get the usage and available options.

Relies on Video::Frequencies, Video::ivtv, Getopt::Long and Config::IniFiles to work.

Go here for patches, tarballs, etc.


This script allows you to edit the ~/.ivtvrc config file via a graphical interface provided using Perl/Tk.

Go here to get it.


This is an enhanced version of the Video::Frequencies module from the Video::Capture::V4l CPAN module. I updated the available frequencies and added SECAM support.

Go here for the tarball.

RedHat 9 users can get them from ATrpms. These are not supported by me.

You can get the Debian testing/unstable packages from our devel apt repository. Go here for info.


This is a custom perl module I'm developing to allow the perl scripts to more easily do the ioctl work of getting/setting Video Standards, Capture Resolution, Input to use, etc. It is only working with videodev2.h and will not provide all functionality that is available from videodev2.h but just what is needed to make the ivtv work easier.

Go here for the patches and tarballs.

RedHat 9 users can get them from ATrpms. These are not supported by me.

You can get the Debian testing/unstable packages from our devel apt repository. Go here for info.